Comet and cocktails

A long exposure photograph of the exterior of a cocktail lounge. Next to the building is an old station wagon, only the rear end is visible. Hanging off the top od the building is a brightly lit sign that reads "Cocktails", it is illuminating the bricks of the building. Boarded up windows below the sign are lit up by additional lights. behind the car an assortment of palets and other objects can be seen.
Phoenix, Arizona
Year taken / this print:
2014 / 2022

This is the view of the backdoor of Phoenix's oldest tiki bar, the Bikini Lounge. Its not really a tiki bar, more of a tiki themed dive bar. Expect a long side-eye if you attempt to order a tropical drink, or anything other than domestic beer really. But it's a good vibe.

Also seen in this photograph is my jalopy, a 1963 Mercury Comet. This is my daily driven car and comes in handy to insert something interesting into an otherwise mundane scene. This is the only photograph featuring my car that I selected for this set of night lights.

Feel free to drop me an email if you want to know anything else.