Griffins & Angels

A long exposure photograph featuring two statues of griffins at an angle. The griffins are perched on ornate pillars. They appear to be made of marble or something made to resemble white marble. They are well lit against the dark sky. in the near distance a higher ledge supported by several Ionic columns can be seen. On the ledge statues of two angels are visible playing long trumpets.
Las Vegas, Nevada

I wanted to see if I could make a desolate night lights type photograph in the city that never sleeps. I actually made two acceptable photographs, but the other one got cut from this group. I think I pulled it off okay, there is a fair bit of mystery going on in this photo, but also not much going on at all. It's very Las Vegas to me. A city that tries very hard to be interesting but doesn't quite pull it off beyond a very shallow level.

For a city where you can stumble around in public with drink in a vessel shaped like an oversized boot, you get stopped a lot carrying around a tripod and camera. I told one security guard that I was hired by the hotel to take photos. Sometimes a small lie is easier to tell than the truth.

Feel free to drop me an email if you want to know anything else.