The Delivery

A long exposure photograph of a desolate street. In the center of the frame, in the mid-ground there is a box truck parked facing away from the frame. The aluminum paneling of the rear of the truck is brightly lit by the streetlights. In the right of the frame in the foreground the face of a building can be seen, the building has and awning above a door. A light under the awning fully illuminates the doorway against the dark building. In the background you can see the street being sporadically illuminated by more street lights into the distance.
Truth or Consequences, New Mexico
Year taken / this print:
2017 / 2018

This is my personal favorite from this series. Its the kind of scene I've been gravitating towards, less flashy neon signs and more quiet solitude. It's easy to get lost in making up your own stories with these sparse desolate night scapes.

Small southwestern towns are great for finding these kinds of scenes. Truth or Consequences is a fun little town to explore, I highly recommend it.

Feel free to drop me an email if you want to know anything else.